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Accelerated Reader (AR)

The Accelerated Reader (AR) program at Wyman Elementary School continues to help all students. All the students take a S.T.A.R. reading test that is used to determine the reading level of each student. Students choose their own books that fall within their determined level and read them at their own pace. Students then take a short quiz on the computer working toward a quarterly goal set by using a formula based on the reader's level.

A library room.

How Does the AR Program Work?

  • Select a book from the library Based on his/her individual interests and reading levels, your child chooses a book from thousands of Accelerated Reader titles.
  • Read the book Your child reads the book at his/her own pace.
  • Take and AR test After reading an AR book your child takes a computerized test. Tests consist of multiple-choice comprehension questions from the book. The computer immediately scores the test, shows the number of correctly answered questions and updates your child's record. Points are then awarded based on how well the student did. As the students earn points they get closer to reaching their AR goal that is set for each quarter. Students who reach 100% of their AR goal with at least 85% correct (80% for first grade) each quarter will receive a reward from their grade-level teacher.

STAR Testing

The STAR Test is designed to help find the reading level that students will most likely be successful at. Students start by taking the STAR test on the computer. Depending on student responses, the test will adjust itself to find the good reading level. After the test, the program will suggest a reading level or range for the student. The test will be given at least once a quarter to track student progress over the year. To the right is a sample question that might be seen on the test. In this example, the student has selected older to complete the sentence.

Notebook paper.

How Can I Help My Child with AR?

  • Be encouraging to your child.
  • Continue to read to and with your child. This reading time does not have to be just AR books.
  • Ask your child questions about what he or she is reading.

AR Guidelines

  • Thirty minutes of AR reading is given in each classroom every day. Goals are based on this 30 minutes of reading.
  • Goals are based on the STAR test and according to each child's reading ability. Goals are set for each quarter.
  • Students in 1st grade need to reach and maintain at least 80% accuracy and reach 100% of their AR goal for the 3rd and 4th quarters to participate in the AR rewards. Students in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade need to reach and maintain 85% accuracy and reach 100% of their AR goal to participate in AR rewards.
  • Students may take no more than 2 tests each day. Any additional tests taken that day will be deleted. If a student uses his/her time wisely in the classroom reaching their goal even with this limit will not be a problem.
  • If your child takes his/her AR books home please make sure that they are returned to school the next day. We always remind students to put their library books in their backpacks when they are not reading them. If the students will do this then their books will be at school when they need them.
  • Every parent needs to sign and return the AR parent letter.

Questions about AR

If you have questions or concerns about AR please talk with your child's teacher first. If you still have questions or concerns please contact the library staff at Wyman. We are always here to help. Click here to access the AR Home Connect Link webpage.